The Medici Family funded the expeditions to the New World so they could find the location of the Garden of Eden and locate the center of the Earth, an important aspect to the Religion of Cain.
The Search for Immortality
In PART 5, we learned that the Medici family were the main bankers during the Renaissance and funded the most famous known painting / sculptures that we know today. The currency they used were called Florins because it came from the city of Florence, Italy and played a significant commercial role throughout all of Europe. The Medici’s reigned over Europe between 1300 - 1500, which was also the same time as the Age of Discovery. In ORIGINS OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR - PART 2, we learned that Christopher Columbus was from a Knights Templar family but never discussed where he was born.
The Medici Family were represented by Filippo and Federigo Centurioni in Genoa, Italy, where Christopher Columbus was born. His father was Domenico Colombo, a wool weaver who worked in Genoa and Savona and owned a cheese stand at which young Christopher worked. The Republic of Genoa is a 3 hour drive to Florence, which is very close to the main banking hub of the Medicis.
Simonetta Vespucci came from the same area of Columbus in Italy and married into the well connected Vespucci family of Florence, who were very close to the Medici family. Simonetta quickly became popular at the Florentine court, and attracted the interest of the Medici brothers, Lorenzo and Giuliano. Sandro Botticelli painted portraits of the noblewomen, several of which are attributed as portraits of Simonetta, like the The Birth of Venus and Primavera.
Another prominent member of the Vespucci Family was Amerigo Vespucci, the famous navigator from whose name the term ‘America’ is derived from. In 1482, when his father died, Amerigo went to work for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de' Medici, head of a junior branch of the Medici family. In the early 1500s, Amerigo Vespucci would send most of his famous letters on the New World to Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco and Lorenzo the Magnificent.
The Medici’s had very close ties to the sailors of the first voyages of America. So was it possible the Medici’s financed all the major New World explorations? Well if we look at the online encyclopedia Britannica, it gives us a hint:
“The ships for the first voyage—the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María—were fitted out at Palos, on the Tinto River in Spain. Consortia put together by a royal treasury official and composed mainly of Genoese and Florentine bankers in Sevilla (Seville) provided at least 1,140,000 maravedis”
Genoese and Florentine bankers in Seville? Well the major bankers of those areas just so happened to be the Medici Family. In 1488, Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ Medici dispatched Amerigo Vespucci to provide an assessment of a suggested Florentine merchant, Gianotto Berardi. Amerigo's findings have been lost but Capponi returned to Florence around this time and Berardi took over the Medici business in Seville. In addition to managing Medici's trade in Seville, Berardi had his own business in African slavery and ship chandlery.
By 1492, Amerigo had settled permanently in Seville and his motivations for leaving Florence are unclear. He continued to transact some business on behalf of his Medici patrons but more and more he became involved with Berardi's other activities, most notably his support of Christopher Columbus's voyages. Barardi invested half a million maravedis in Columbus's first voyage, and he won a potentially lucrative contract to provision Columbus's large second fleet. However, profits proved to be elusive. In 1495, Berardi signed a contract with the crown to send 12 resupply ships to Hispaniola but then died unexpectedly in December without completing the terms of the contract.
Author’s notes:
The information above can be found in the two books: The Voyage of the Vizcaina and Amerigo: The Man Who Gave His Name to America.
This is a perfect example as to how the cabal hides history to the public. The missing link was the merchant Gianotto Berardi, who has been erased from the history books and no picture of him can be found.
Also, in Britannica they only mentioned Florence bankers, which most people will skim across unless they have deeply researched the Medici Family.
So why aren’t the Medici Family celebrated as the financiers who paved the way to the New World? Well it’s because the Medici Family are known as one of the most corrupt families of all time and historians don’t want to label the Medici family Financiers and Owners of the New World.

The Medici family had many reasons to go to the New World but one of their main kabbalistic reasons was to find the Garden of Eden, which they believed was located in the New World. They believed the two divine trees mentioned in Genesis were real trees that were located somewhere on Earth and they wanted to be the first ones to find them.
During Christopher Columbus’s 3rd Voyage, he reached the gulf of Paria at the mouth of the Orinoco river (in what is now Venezuala) where he thought that he had found the outward traces of the Garden of Eden. Although he believed the garden itself must lie further inland and be situated high up, he thought that the waters of the Orinoco river he saw coming down to form the gulf must come from the primeval river that flowed out of Eden. He wrote in his journal:
“I do not suppose that the earthly Paradise is in the form of a rugged mountain, as the descriptions of it have made it appear, but that it is on the summit of the spot which I have described as being in the form of the stalk [or stem end] of a pear; the approach to it from a distance must be by a constant and gradual ascent; but I believe that, as I have already said, no one could ever reach the top; I think also that the water I have described may proceed from it, though it be far off, and that stopping at the place I have just left, it forms this lake.”
"There are great indications of this being the terrestrial Paradise, for its situation coincides with the opinions of the holy and wise theologians whom I have mentioned; and, moreover, the other evidences agree with the supposition, for I have never either read or heard of fresh water coming in so large a quantity, in close conjunction with the water of the sea; the idea is also corroborated by the blandness of the temperature; and if the water of which I speak does not proceed from the earthly Paradise, it seems to be a still greater wonder, for I do not believe that there is any river in the world so large and deep.”- Christopher Columbus' letter to Ferdinand and Isabella. Quoted in Jean Dulemeau History of Paradise; The Garden of Eden in Myth and Tradition p54
In 1490, Christopher Columbus drew his Columbus Map, which shows the Terrestrial Paradise or Garden of Eden to the West of the Mediterranean. The garden is surrounded in concentric circular walls of different compositions and representing the orbits of the different planets using their astrological references to the planets (Sun=gold, moon=silver, Venus=copper, etc).

Christopher Columbus and the explorers of the Age of Discovery received their inspiration to find the Garden of Eden from earlier maps. North America was visited by the Knights Templar but the idea that the Garden of Eden was located there began with Columbus. The Garden of Eden was portrayed on the Fra Mauro world map made in 1450.
The main circular map of the world is surrounded by four smaller spheres:
The top left sphere is a cosmological diagram — a map of the Solar System according to the Ptolemaic system.
The top right is a diagram of the four elements — earth is followed by water, fire, and air.
The bottom left is an illustration of the Garden of Eden.
The bottom right depicts Earth as a globe. It shows the North Pole and the South Pole, as well as the Equator and the two tropics.
The Fra Mauro map is a map of the world made around 1450 by the Italian cartographer Fra Mauro, which is considered the greatest memorial of medieval cartography. It is a circular planisphere drawn on parchment and set in a wooden frame that measures over two by two meters. It includes Asia, the Indian Ocean, Africa, Europe, and the Atlantic. It is oriented with south at the top.
Here is a zoomed in image of the bottom left ‘Garden of Eden’ section:
The Forbidden Fruit that Eve took was from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but there was another divine tree in the garden called the Tree of Life.
“And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, where He placed the man He had formed. Out of the ground the LORD God gave growth to every tree that is pleasing to the eye and good for food. And in the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
- Genesis 2:8-9
Only of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was forbidden, which means the Tree of Life could have been eaten by Adam and Eve.
“And the LORD God commanded him, “You may eat freely from every tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die.””
- Genesis 2:16-17
This means God could have intended humans to be immortal on Earth but the betrayal of Adam and Even removed that chance.
“Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. And now, lest he reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever...”. Therefore the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. So He drove out the man and stationed cherubim on the east side of the Garden of Eden, along with a whirling sword of flame to guard the way to the tree of life.”
- Genesis 3:22-24
The search for the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life to receive immortality has been a part of the occult since the beginning. They have been trying recover it and it can be seen during the New World Exploration.
The cabal believe that one of the most striking visions of the tree of life as the object of eschatological hope appears in a vision attributed to Enoch in the collection of writings we now call 1 Enoch. In the book, Enoch went to heaven and found a world of fire and ice and a vast terrifying heavenly Temple, which was unsuited for human habitation. Following that tour of heaven, Enoch was taken on a tour of the earth and was shown seven mountains. One of the mountains reaches up to the heavens itself and he discovers that this is the place where God will make his appearance at the the Day of Judgement. There he sees a beautiful, fragrant tree that amazes and delights him:
“And I proceeded beyond them, and I saw seven glorious mountains, all differing each from the other, whose stones were precious in beauty. And all (the mountains) were precious and glorious and beautiful in appearance—three to the east were firmly set one on the other, and three to the south, one on the other, and deep and rugged ravines, one not approaching the other. The seventh mountain (was) in the middle of these, and it rose above them in height, like the seat of a throne. And fragrant trees encircled it. Among them was a tree such as I had never smelled, and among them was no other like it. It had a fragrance sweeter smelling than all spices, and its leaves and its blossom and the tree never wither. Its fruit is beautiful, like dates of the palm trees.
Then I said, “How beautiful is this tree and fragrant, and its leaves are lovely, and its blossoms are lovely to look at.”
- 1 Enoch 24.2-5 Transl. by Nickelsburg and Vanderkam
Enoch wonders what kind of tree this is and Michael his angel-guide explains.
“This high mountain that you saw, whose peak is like the throne of God, is the seat where the Great Holy One, the Lord of glory, the King of eternity, will sit, when he descends to visit the earth in goodness. And (as for) this fragrant tree, no flesh has the right to touch it until the great judgment, in which there will be vengeance on all and a consummation forever.
Then it will be given to the righteous and the pious, and its fruit will be food for the chosen. And it will be transplanted to the holy place, by the house of God, the King of eternity. Then they will rejoice greatly and be glad, and they will enter into the sanctuary. Its fragrances will be in their bones, and they will live a long life on the earth, such as your fathers lived also in their days, and torments and plagues and suffering will not touch them “
- 1 Enoch 25.3-6 Transl. by Nickelsburg and Vanderkam
So Michael tells Enoch that the tree is the tree of life and that at the Last Day, the time of eschatological judgement of mankind, the fruit of the tree will be the food of the chosen. The effect of eating its fruit will be that they will live long lives and suffer no more torments and plagues. Note that the cabal believe after the great judgement, the tree of life will be transplanted to the site of the Temple in Jerusalem where presumably the righteous will henceforth live out their long, plague-free lives.
Scientific Director of The Faculty of Theology at the University of Oslo, Terje Stordalen explains how the choice of a tree to represent the concepts of life, earth, and heaven in ancient cultures:
“Every green tree would symbolize life, and a large tree—rooted in deep soil and stretching towards the sky—potentially makes a cosmic symbol. In both cases it becomes a ‘symbol of the center”
Michael A. Fishbane, who is the Professor Emeritus of Jewish Studies at the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, describes the Garden of Eden as:
“….. an axis mundi. From it radiate primal streams to the four quarters….. It is the navel or omphalos, and the tree of life stands at the center of this center.
Axis Mundi
The cabal believe that Universal consciousness connects all there is and this cosmic connection between heaven and hell, high and low, and the different dimensions is the Axis Mundi. This connecting link or metaphysical axis is a symbol found in every religion, in every place or mythology. It can be specifically represented in a human form as well:
Seifirot, Kabbalism
Chakra, Hinduism
Yoga and Tai Chi
Vitruvian Man
It’s like a spine that holds together all of the realms from lowest to highest with the human world in the center. Axis Mundi is also referred as the tree of life, the center of the Earth, World axis, world pillar and so on.
William F. Romain stated in his book, Shamans of the Lost World: A Cognitive Approach to the Prehistoric Religion:
“Cross Culturally, the Axis Mundi is expressed in many different ways. In some cultures the Axis Mundi is symbolized as the ‘world tree’ that links the upper and the lower worlds. Other cultures visualize the Axis Mundi as a column or pillar. Yet other describes it as a cosmic mountain. In many cases, the Axis Mundi is symbolized as temples, cities and palaces.”
Different cultures represent the axis mundi by different symbols such as a mountain, a tree, a vine, a column of smoke or fire or even a tower, a staircase, a totem pole, a pillar, a spire etc. In PART 3, I showed many examples of Axis Mundi’s that are located all over the world and how they represent important aspects to many different religions. Here are more interpretations of this mystical symbol in different culture:
When we turn to the mythology of the Greeks, we find that the origin of the world was ascribed to Okeanos, the ocean, The world was at first an island surrounded by the ocean, as by a great stream:
"It was a region of wonders of all kinds; Okeanos lived there with his wife Tethys: these were the Islands of the Blessed, the gardens of the gods, the sources of nectar and ambrosia, on which the gods lived. Within this circle of water the earth lay spread out like a disk, with mountains rising from it, and the vault of heaven appearing to rest upon its outer edge all around."
- Murray's "Manual of Mythology," pp. 23, 24, et seq.
On the mountains dwelt the gods; they had palaces on these mountains, with store-rooms, stabling, etc.
"The Gardens of the Hesperides, with their golden apples, were believed to exist in some island of the ocean, or, as it was sometimes thought, in the islands off the north or west coast of Africa. They were far famed in antiquity; for it was there that springs of nectar flowed by the couch of Zeus, and there that the earth displayed the rarest blessings of the gods; it was another Eden."
- Ibid., p. 156.
Fellow 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall explains the importance of the four worlds and the Tree:
“The Kabbalists divided the universe into four worlds, each consisting of ten spheres, arranged into what is called the “Sephirothic Tree.” This Tree is composed of ten circles, representing the numbers 1 to 10, connected together by twenty-two canals—the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The ten numbers plus the twenty-two letters result in the occult number 32, which, according to the Mishna, signifies the Thirty-two Paths of Wisdom.”
- 33rd Degree Masonic Philosopher, Manly Palmer Hall had written in the Secret Teachings of All Ages;
The reason the cabal uses this symbology of a tree or mountain that connects the spiritual to the Earth is because it’s their gateway to the underworld:
“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.”
- Carl Gustav Jung, Murray Stein (1999). “Jung on Christianity”, p.82, Princeton University Press
Adolf Hitler’s philosophy mentor, Friedrich Nietzsche, also describes the importance of diving into the depths of hell to achieve success:
But it is the same with man as with the tree. The more he seeks to rise into the height and light, the more vigorously do his roots struggle earthword, downword, into the dark, the deep - into evil
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
In Freemasonry and Kabbalah, the way initiates can travel between Hell and the Earth is through the hidden middle pillar, that represents the human soul. In PART 1 and PART 2, the ‘Two Pillars’ were a central theme, which is why the ‘Middle Pillar’ will be the main focus here. Many people do not know about the middle pillar because it is an invisible pillar that represents the self, Earth, Heaven and Hell.
This pillar has a very special meaning in the occult. It is the Middle Pillar of the so-called Three Pillars of Wisdom, illustrated in various Secret Society documents, and visible on church and cathedral stained glass. These Three Pillars enshrine powerful information on the human condition―authentic truths revealing our spiritual and physical makeup.
The Middle Pillar is special because it is spiritual, while the Twin Pillars flanking it are physical. The Middle Pillar is deeper, more profound, and more mystical and magical than the outer Twin Pillars and this importance is clearly expressed in Masonic drawings.

In most Masonic art the Two Pillars of Jachin and Boaz are the only physical pillars shown but in between them are always representations of the ‘All seeing Eye’ above and a masonic ritual below.
Notice in the picture above, we can see the moon on the left, the sun on the right and the tetragrammaton in the middle that represent the true name of God. Remember in the Cain religion, they call Metatron / Enoch the Lesser YHWH, which means are they referring to him as their Adonai ('my master')? Are they worshiping Enoch / the lesser YHWH as a front but secretly worshiping Lucifer? Before we dive deep into this topic lets do an overview of their religion of Cain.
The Religion of Cain
According to most contemporary descriptions, the Colossus stood approximately 70 cubits, or 108 feet high – approximately the height of the modern Statue of Liberty from feet to crown – making it the tallest statue in the ancient world. The Statue of Liberty was based on the female goddess of Liberty and represents the modern day interpretation of Colossal of Rhodes, which represented the male Helios. So does this mean that the Statue of Liberty is a man or a women or both? It represents both Helios and the Divine Mother, meaning the Statue of Liberty is an hermaphrodite / transexual.
Helios was the Sun false god of the ancient Greek religion. In PART 5, I showed how the sun god has penetrated every major organization of each religion we know today. Here is a sculpting of Helios, which has an uncanny resemblance to the Statue of Liberty:

Beth Alpha is a sixth-century CE jewish synagogue located at the foot of the northern slopes of the Gilboa mountains near Beit She'an, Israel. The central panel features a Jewish adaptation of the Greco-Roman zodiac. The zodiac consists of two concentric circles, with the twelve zodiac signs appearing in the outer circle, and Helios, the Greco-Roman sun god, appearing in the inner circle. The outer circle consists of twelve panels, each of which correspond to one of the twelve months of the year and contain the appropriate Greco-Roman zodiac sign. Female busts symbolizing the four seasons appear in the four corners immediately outside the zodiac.
Two synagogue sites have been excavated at Hammat Tiberias, which became the seat of the Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court of religious law, from 193 CE to the late 4th century. The famous mosaic floor dates from the later phase of the 4th-century synagogue, and is made up of three panels featuring: a Torah shrine flanked by two seven-branched menorahs; a zodiac wheel set around an image of Helios; and a group of Greek inscriptions flanked by two lions.
The Statue of Liberty also represents the Goddess of Liberty, which can be seen in the Temple of Libertas in Ancient Rome. Remember in ORIGINS OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR - PART 3, the Cult of Reason, which was the group that launched the French Revolution, worshiped this goddess who is associated with Liberty and Reason.
The goddesses known as Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Athena, Minerva, Aphrodite Libertas, etc. all represent the feminine Babylonian Divine Mother of the Trinity. In Ancient Rome, before the Second Punic War in 238 BC, Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus built a Temple to Libertas / Minerva on Aventine Hill, which is one of the seven hills of Rome.
The Roman Catholic Clergy and the Pope wears a dome hat, which is called a Zucchetto. The zucchetto originated as the Greek pileus / pilos and the Greek goddess of Libertas / Minerva. Both the vindicta and the cap were considered symbols of these goddesses, which represented liberty. A slave was freed in a ceremony in which a praetor touched the slave with a rod called a vindicta and pronounced him to be free. The slave's head was shaved and a pileus was placed upon it.
Remember in PART 4, the symbolism of dome represents sun worship in the Cain / Babylon religion, which is why the term term kippah literally means "dome", as the kippah is worn on the heads of Jews like a dome.
The Islamic faith wears the same dome hat known as a Taqiyah, because Muslims believe that the Islamic prophet Muhammad used to keep his head covered, therefore making it mustahabb.
Notice the hat and symbols on King of Assyria around 800 BC in the picture below on the top right: there’s the star of Ishtar, a compass, moon with disk, solar calendar and triple crown. The Mark of Cain can also be seen on the chest and was worn as a necklace. The obsession with the constellation gods and goddesses have its roots with Babylon.
The Babylonian calendar was a lunisolar calendar with years consisting of 12 lunar months, each beginning when a new crescent moon was first sighted low on the western horizon at sunset, plus an intercalary month inserted as needed by decree. Jews have been using the Babylonian Calendar, which they call the Hebrew Calendar, since the 6th century BC.
Counting from the new moon, the Babylonians celebrated every seventh day as a "holy-day", also called an "evil-day" (meaning "unsuitable" for prohibited activities). On these days officials were prohibited from various activities and common men were forbidden to "make a wish", and at least the 28th was known as a "rest-day". On each of them, offerings were made to a different god and goddess, apparently at nightfall to avoid the prohibitions: Marduk and Ishtar on the 7th, Ninlil and Nergal on the 14th, Sin and Shamash on the 21st, and Enki and Mah on the 28th.
The obsession with the Sabbath can be seen within Judaism and the Roman Catholic Church. It’s Saturday for Judaism and it’s Sunday for the Roman Catholic church but we have to remember what Jesus said about the Sabbath:
“Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.””
- Mark 2:27-28
Jesus knew man became obsessed with specific days of worship so he told everyone that he made the Sabath for us to rest and to not overthink the specific days.
“Or have you not read in the Law, that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple break the Sabbath and are innocent? But I say to you that something greater than the temple is here.”
- Matthew 12:5-6
During the weekdays, the first hour of the first day of the week (Sunday), starts with the influences of the Sun (hence: Sunday); the first hour of the second day of the week (Monday) starts with the influences of the Moon (hence: Monday); the first hour of the third day of the week (Tuesday) with Mars, and the first hour of the fourth day of the week (Wednesday) with Mercury, while the first hour of the fifth day of the week (Thursday) with Jupiter, and the first hour of the sixth day of the week (Friday) with Venus, and lastly, the first hour of the seventh day of the week (Saturday) with Saturn.
A famous quote that underscores the importance with which Judaism views the influences of the horoscope is found in "Idra Rabba" of the Zohar:
Everything is dependent upon mazal (= astral influences), even the Torah scroll in the Heikhal
The word ‘Mazel Tov’, which is a common celebratory word during Jewish celebrations, means ‘positive astrological sign’. This shows how embedded the study of the Mazzaroth / Mazalot (the constellations) has on the entire religion.
Other rabbis have vaunted their knowledge of applied astrology.
Samuel of Nehardea (165 - 254 AD), a Babylonian Rabbi said:
"I know the pathways of heaven as I do the pathways of Nehardea, excepting the comet, about which I know nothing. I am familiar with the streets of the firmament [in heaven] just as I am familiar with the streets of Nehardea.”:
Abba Arikha (174 - 247 AD), another Babylonian Rabbi said:
"He that is able to calculate the Precession of the Equinoxes (tekufot) and astrological horoscopes (mazalot) but does not, one may have no conversation with him."
The great men of Israel in the Middle Ages, Rabbi Saadia Gaon (in his commentary on the Book of Creation), Solomon ibn Gabirol (in his Keter Malkhut) and Abraham bar Hiyya ha-Nasi and R. Abraham ibn Ezra (1092–1167) considered astrology to be true wisdom and even expressed this belief in their works.
Continued in PART 7 (The Final Part)….
Each segment is beautifully researched and clearly explains where much of the symbology originates. This has been an absolutely fascinating series and is one worth reading over and over. It certainly fills in many gaps that I have found in ancient civilizations’ history! Thank you for sharing with us! God bless you.🙏
You have put so much work into this series and I find the information, the history to be fascinating. Clearly you are a scholar, unraveling a centuries old thread woven into our own times, putting into perspective a context of secret, often hidden in plain sight, influences spanning the ages into our present day.
It seems to me we are at long last approaching a paradigm shift. Putting into clearer focus the duality of this world (both through the historical perspective as well as these very times exposing the deteriorating morals we are witnessing) brings into clearer understanding each individual’s awareness of choice, educated, informed choice. The Virtues of God are a singularity. In the context you have written, one could call it “The Tree of Life”. The gift of free will, navigating the centuries old journey through duality (The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil)…I wonder if the shift will enhance our inner awareness of learning, caring about finding the exit path out of the maze of duality…which is what Time, the great illusion, is for.
Thanks for an interesting read!❤️