My motto: Trust No One, Question Everything

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Yes I agree, especially anon_fa_mous! Another one of those digital soldiers!

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18 hrs agoLiked by anon_fa_mous

BRAVO!! I am VERY INTERESTED in your research on Trump. My gut has told me all along that he is quite literally the PIED PIPER! While I desperately long to believe that not only is he going to restore order and justice, and bring prosperity and safety to our whole country; my gut refuses to agree! I am the black sheep per se with all of those in the truth community but we shall see how it all plays out. Please keep digging!!!! 🙏

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He accomplished much in the first term even with enemies in his administration working the entire time to destroy him. Track records matter and God changes people every day. We will find out what comes next.

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Yup. I think he's the "Snake" in his Story "The Snake". And he's laughing at us as we beg him to tell it again and again! We have been so Bamboozled!

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Seriously?? Way way off. Time will show differently, thank GOD.

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17 hrs agoLiked by anon_fa_mous

It is completely clear that Trump is a psyop. They are all connected and they are all playing us. Trust in Christ...He is over them all.

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17 hrs agoLiked by anon_fa_mous

Once again your article resonated with my soul.

Our current political system is based on "electing" the wealthy to rule us and to increase their wealth. I use quotes because currently we aren't doing the electing as the system is broken. Maybe it always has been, I dunno. Yes it's painful to step back and view what is taking place. I suspect "they" are having a good laugh at our programmed ignorance of their manipulations. They don't even try to hide it anymore. If WE don't wake up and take action our children and grandchildren don't stand a chance at sovereignty. Ask yourself if you aren't participating in idolatry...

We are our own heroes. We just have to wake up and realize it and either turn our backs to their nonsense rules/institutions or rise and take charge. We forget that we out number them.

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A great analogy is "Plato's Allegory of the Cave." There is a great explanation of this theory on YT After Skool channel.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Oh my! I said the same in my comment. And then I read this! Astute alusion!

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After Skool is awesome. I love the one called "A killing of the Mind". It shows just how easy it is to use DARPA Psyops to control the masses. During 'covid',....they used exactly these strategies against us and many bought it all hook, line and sinker. We were so easy to get to COMPLY,....it was sad. Even now people are still stuck in the Mass Formation Hypnosis!


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Nothing is by accident. Those were interesting videos...very dark. And we loop through the Hegelian dialectic. Problem, reaction, solution. There must be layers upon layers of programming. It's fascinating to observe it.

Thanks for the link DoF.❤️❤️❤️

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I agree with you in that the article indeed did resonate as is usual with the truth at large. So much so that I left my own comment, same as you.

I would say much more, but then again! Alas! I have things needing attending. But safe to say, I obtain much pleasure in reading you post. And God bless and preserve you.

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs agoLiked by anon_fa_mous

This has been my thinking lately, especially with comments like "they need to finish the job"

pertaining to Israel bombing Gaza and its people into oblivion. Also, the latest comment that he will

imprison antisemites day one of his administration if he wins. Very troubling...............

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10 hrs agoLiked by anon_fa_mous

Come on, Mr. "Drain the Swamp's" first order of business was to fill his Cabinet and many top department positions with Swamp Dwellers.

Anything after that simply makes the stupid and gullible look that much more stupid and gullible if we're going to be honest. Do we even need to discuss Mr. Warp Speed. SMFH at anyone that believes that there's even a shred of hope in politics when it's among the chief ideological weapons they utilize.

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I hope you are wrong. We're screwed if you are right. My only solace is that maybe he's found religion and God is using him to do good and save our country. As President, he did do many good things and instituted policies that were very good for America.

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I'm with you, but apply Donna's approach. I'd add trust God, read the scriptures, and pray for wisdom.

I have no idea, but this site points out the "show me your friends, and I'll show you yourself".

I heard an interview the other day. Part of the discussion was about Monica Lewinsky and Clinton.

That whole spectacle, sex sells, ran parallel to the WhiteWater investigation. Whitewater was all about drug trafficking and murder. Lewinsky took all the attention away from the real crime. -for fun pull up Trump &WWE on YouTube. It's hard not to see Trump as a conman--yes, I voted for him twice

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You guys don't know then that the truth about the Bible is out? That it was based on a History and Breeding log book kept by people who worked for an advanced Alien Race that pretended to be GODS? Have any of your read "The Naked Bible: The truth about the most Famous Book in History" by Mauro Biglino, translator of the Old Testament for the Vatican? Oh boy,.....so much is coming out now about that fraud.

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I pray that what your research appears to conclude is incorrect. There is no choice if you are right and this nation, and thus the world, will fall. I question everything I read and hear and have to consider that God has the entire universe in his hands. Prayer for the country is a daily occurrence, knowing the God’s Will is going to be done.

God bless you.🙏👏

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I was MAGA too for the last 7 years. But unfortunately I saw the Emperor had NO CLOTHES when he never said a PEEP year after year about the mRNA shots being a big mistake as MILLIONS world wide are dying,....and demanding that they be STOPPED! He still brags about them at Rally's. LOL!

I also saw he was a part of THE CLUB when he got on stage with Speaker Johnson and agreed to sending $85 Billions of our poor pitiful TAX dollars to both of Israel's WARS. Our country is $35 Trillion dollars in DEBT and going down,......it wasn't MAGA to send our money over seas like that. Even if it was a "Loan". They'll never pay it back.

And Ukraine "war"is just a transfer of ownership of a Nation, from the USA to Israel. The Cabal/global elite/Khazarian Mafia, what ever name you want to give THE CLUB,.....decided in 2014 they wanted to get their Land back. It's awesome LAND! Full of great farms and awesome rare earth minerals and fertilizers. And of course the GAS PIPELINES go right through it.

Of course Israel wanted it. I'm sure they're sick of that sand pit they've been waiting in for decades. The middle east wars are just obfuscation to keep us distracted. That's why all those nations keep a terrorist group on Speed Dial! To start "something" when a distraction is necessary.

Any way, that was a very depressing moment for me,.....I was so FOR TRUMP! I had TWO MAGA HATS! I hadn't ever even cared to vote until 2016, because it was obvious all elections were RIGGED my whole life. But I was fooled. I should have known better,....disappointed in myself. I used to be smarter.

So, I see what you are saying, and it didn't take P. Diddy to open my eyes. There are many who feel the same way,.....we were going to vote for the "OTHER" Zionist Psyop,.....Kennedy, but Trump ruined that too. Made sure Kennedy had no chance of winning. I hope Trump doesn't back stab him again, like he did in 2016! But since they are all in the same CLUB that we AREN'T IN,....I'm sure they'll all be just fine!

So, what are you going to do in the 2024 Election? My Mentor Clif High said he never votes, but if I wanted to, I should Vote for the Psyop that works best for me and my family. I guess that's Trump? I can't stand VANCE,...he's the CIA Leash on Trump I think. But what do I know....I'm just an Old Woman!

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Trump actually admitted to being in that club claiming he would expose it. I remember that..and Diddy coming out with Ciroq vodka about that time. Joe Biden Ted Cruz but mostly Dems have bewn supported by AIPAC.

Trump's relationahip with Kennedys says everything. Why people praise them is beyond me. Look at who Trump surrounds himself with (which is the best way to judge someone..) Pillar B Facial Recognition Social Credit king Elon Musk, Radical Environmentalist, crooked lawyer RFKJr..he repped his cousin Mike Skagel and got him off the Martha Moxley murder and radical Leftist Hindutva RSS Tulsi Gabbard.

The last thing we need is that family of filth regurgitating back into politics.

The bigger question is what is the solution? Kamala will lead us to a fast track to NWO communism and Trump is the slow track. Some libertarian?? They are democrats in disguise. Not vote and throw it to Kamala?

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That is not an option and I’m still of the opinion that Trump is a catalyst for the citizenry.

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Satan has lost control of the narrative. People fixated on the big arc of history are going to have a ruff time with the day to day battles between good and evil. My innocent god daughter was raped by her nobody uncle. When I found out years later I was going to kill him. He’s dead now. I may have touched his evil skin, not knowing his evil act. Makes me angry. For every big name child rapist there are thousands more. Fight. Fight. Fight.

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I would suggest, if not doing so already, to check out https://x.com/NickJFuentes. He has some profound insights. 🤓

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especially his show from 9/19

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I concur with you that all politicians are part of the same uniparty. I read something that made sense to me recently, that there will be a false prophet (IMHO ... Trump) to herd the dissidents, before the arrival of the Anti *****( IMHO EL-ON)...sad, but could be possible. EL is showing us with his avatar photo on X who he is (dressed like Ba al) people just ignore it. Noone questions the CO2 emissions that his rockets emit to send all the satelites into orbit either....meanwhile all the plebes have to give up meat, and everything else. I don't know when people will wake up, but time is growing short.

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Lol...I wanted to say something along those lines but..

Thank You...lol

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I think the original Trump is dead. When he said at the beginning of his campaign, "the reason I know what I say is the truth about the evil elitists and deep state players, is because I was one of them and/or I was a part of them" That statement is not the proper quote, but its close. And I never forgot that he said that. I think and I believe that the military is in complete control in all the good things happening. I think Trump is the character they are using to deliver the message. I think the original Trump is gone. Because he was guilty. I keep this thought to myself, even in my household because so many around me think 100% that Trump is one of the good ones fighting the evil. They are using his look a like to deliver a message, that is all. Time will tell

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Trump may gone away in 1988(I believe that’s a correct date) when a helicopter went down in NJ carrying 3 of his top executives on their way back to AC. It’s speculation that Trump was also on that helicopter. Shortly afterwards he and his first wife split. So, your idea may not be that far fetched.

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TY for your input. I don't think its that far off. Its hard to get responses from the bigger anon accounts, about anything. Some of them, its a one man show like the news on the big black box in your living room, no different really. Except for Pepe lives matter, he is really good in having discussions or healthy debates. Thanks Christine

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I am extremely curious to see what you think of my take on all this. Do you think I'm close to being correct, or its a stupid response to your thread?

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“A picture is with a thousand word” and my comment and question went missing?

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Hmm, what’s your take on General Mike Flynn? Are you in with Flynn?

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