There were two Enochs, two totally different bloodlines. Genesis 4:17 is Cain's, but Genesis 5:18 is Seth's.

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well masons love their duality, such a quick split makes me always think about the goalposts being moved. As people became aware as intelligence grew, they could see the words now instead of just hear them.

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Relative to Part One I find it interesting that "Luminous Religion" 景教 was used during the Tang dynasty for Christianity (Syriac Church of the East). Wish I could post pics here. Have to rethink some things????

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I read Enoch a few years ago with a completely blank slate. My interpretation was that Enoch was chosen to see what happens after death. There were several “planets” where good and bad ppl go and I interpreted those as the planets. Modern science tells us our planets are uninhabitable and it seemed to me they might be real and in fact used by God, something the secret societies do not want us to know. Sounds like I was completely off base but never thought while reading it that it was blasphemous. Let me know your thoughts.

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Trick of masonry, make it seem palatable so the one being fed doesn’t immediately up chuck the shit being shoveled in. I like your interpretation. I struggle with if it all being a man made creation of people hearing voices or 100% the word. The Old Testament God doesn’t seem like one that would have bore the Christ type. Tons of years to learn thanks to eternal life.

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I also was caught off guard with the Blasphemy stance too, but kept reading. I enjoy the ties and digs especially with King Solomon. I feel more that the Book of Enoch was revealed in an age where we are more prepared to better understand the esoteric mysteries and secret teachings of the fallen angels. I think Enoch was key in this and because of the fallen angels it all went sideways, but not due to Enoch. I think the BoE is way more important in the strength of revealing God’s creation than anyone gives credit for. I can see how [they] could have twisted the story to give him more power and access to evil - so I see BoE as a warning of the power struggle (good v evil during the angels fall) and how it all went down. that we have been given a message from behind the veil.

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I enjoy Jordan Maxwells interpretations on these subjects. Solomon is clearly more worshiping of the sun. Sol is a translation meaning sun or sun of man for Solomon.

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Which bible do you consider the “correct” bible?

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I imagine they are all the correct Bible since knowledge of all aspects is the only way to be an expert

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Book of Enoch is blasphemy? That’s a stretch

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Elijah did not go to Heaven in the chariot of fire. It was in the whirlwind. 2Ki 2:11 (KJV) And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

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I have written my first Substack article titled

We breathe air not oxygen

Air, water and ice are all the same element, WATER, in different states.

We can not escape water

It surrounds and supports us

A kin in my opinion to the hand of God.

If you look at the symbolism

It could be descriptive of the states of water. Snow flakes

Water as a gas = bubbles

Water as a liquid = full bubbles or drops

Water as ice = bubbles and drops

Oxygen is a manufactured product. It is air stripped of its moisture content, compressed, and contained. It only exists in manmade vessels.

Oxygen is measured by its dryness or water contamination

Eg medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination

Industrial oxygen has 0.5ppm of water contamination

If one hated God, one could swap oxygen for air and have an excellent silent weapon to cull. Research oxygen toxicity.

Lung physiology requires 100% humidity at the alveoli sacs.

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity.

Can you see the inherent problem?

Oxygen was invented to solve alchemy problems.

Metals fraudulently assigned as elemental were being decomposed by water, revealing the components/ ingredients.

If water could be stripped from air and incorporated into the metal in the foundry, it’s ability to decompose would be reduced.

Hope you are interested in knowing more

The lost knowledge of water would be a great research topic. Water is not H2O!

Science and medicine has been intentionally retarded.


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We can’t escape many things. We need oxygen as much as we don’t need it. But we aren’t such fragile creatures that we need worry so much about these catastrophic things happening. We adapt thanks to our God given immune system and large brains. They keep trying to sell us on living forever. If people never knew they died then the belief in God would collapse fast my thinking

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Oxygen: a kill box in plain sight!

“We breathe air not oxygen” is a must read on this topic of ventilator culling.

Oxygen is not recommended for breathlessness

Usually prescribed with ‘end of life’ care

Oxygen is toxic to lungs and always causes harm

Oxygen can kill!

Want to know WHY?

Lungs require 100% humidity at the alveoli sacs.

Air is measured by its moisture content, its humidity.

Oxygen is a manufactured product of air, stripped of moisture, compressed and contained.

Oxygen is calibrated by its dryness.

Medical oxygen has 67ppm of water contamination!


Can you see the problem?

I trust curiosity will lead you to read my article


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Well then how does one explain giants? Oxygen clearly made all things larger. Dr Kent Hovind if you disagree

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Do u understand the difference between air and oxygen?

And then notice which one matches lung physiology?

Hint: it’s not oxygen

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Sure do, so the players on the sidelines of football games are hooked up to oxygen masks because they are being poisoned. Say that slowly to yourself and realize how crazy that sounds. Men worth billions will often poison those large dollar investments because profits be damned. They don’t even want them playing with hurt toes. Oxygen removes lactic acid, pretty sure that’s beneficial to inflammation buildup.

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Oxygen will dehydrate

Nothing to do with lactic acid

If those lines had oxygen at a high percentage, they are causing damage by dehydrating the respiratory mucosa.

Oxygen is a big mis-direct in science and medicine

Suggest you read about oxygen toxicity and see it can kill.

Hence its not prescribed for breathlessness

Usually kept for end of life ‘care’

We’re a wet system

Oxygen is the opposite of what lungs require

Babies, premies, put into 100% oxygen tents were blinded, their eyes dried up

Eyes are moist, it’s why we blink, and it why your googles fog up in the snow or water. Glasses fog up.

Our eyes give up moisture and they respond to humidity and dry air.

Cold air holds the least moisture. This is why cold and flu happen in winter. The respiratory mucosa responds to dehydration in two ways - over respond - lots of mucus or under respond - dry cough.

Our red blood cells are carrying salt water. RBCs deliver salt water. Agents of hydration.

Hydration equals salt plus water. The saline drip works wonders because it rehydrates RBCs.

RBCs are either

hydrated- plump bright


Dehydrated - slim, dark

The red light monitoring is using these light reflective qualities to measure hydration

Not oxygenation

There is no gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in lung physiology

Suggest you read my article

And ponder

Medicine and science has been retarded, intentionally and it’s time we all revisit our schooled daze with adult scrutiny to sift fact from fiction.

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