You are the first on Substack where I didn't think at all, but immediately went for a paid subscription. I think you are the first with whom I have a paid subscription, after you I took several more paid subscriptions. You deserve it and I hope people realize how much time and knowledge goes into this excellent stuff you write....and about Trump and Harris - here in Croatia, there are so many jokes about this cats, awful that this become No1 subject. There are also many jokes about Joe Biden and Trump's MAGA hat on his head. Here in EU, our political leaders and EK are the same, nothing normal anymore. Wish you all well. Thank you for your hard work. Greetings from Croatia and God bless you.

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Appreciate you Alex. I know I haven't posting much lately but I'm really going to try this month to post something everyday. It won't be my usual threads but hopefully by forcing myself to write it will get me back in the groove.

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Just take all time in the world what you need. This is not problem for me - I read again your serial about Antediluvian Obssesion and Persecution of Christians - so much details, excellent....so, I enjoy in anytime here on your Substack. Noone can't work all time, all of us need some rest from time to time. Just be good and healthy, everything else will be ok

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Sep 14Liked by anon_fa_mous

The Uni-Party SYSTEM was DESIGNED to keep people divided and a "house divided."

Hate is what keeps them in power, but they're all blackmailed and bought/paid-for otherwise, ultimately by the Central Banking Cabal, although via numerous layers of "plausible deniability."

The problem for the people is that they're too enamored with the bread-and-circus placed before them by the same satanic/Talmudic ilk, that they can't see reality and the truth. They don't want to know the truth as they can't handle it. They're rather be in the company of mass/group think than have to stand with the minority in the truth.

I distinctly remember going into stores and other places as the ONLY unmasked person during PSYOP19, from the get-go. I was always pleasant to people, simply refused. Yet the hatred and disdain, even from people now considered to be "awake," was palpable.

In order to realize the truth, one must first consider that they've been lied to about EVERYTHING during the course of their lives, WHICH INCLUDES how they've attained their wealth and goodies in life. But sorry, we're simply not courageous enough to want to do that much less be willing to do that.

History is LIES. WWs I & II with WW II being WW I part deux, the Korean War, Vietnam, the USS Liberty, 9-11, the Boston Bombing, Vegas, Lahaina, ... those just scratch the surface. The Banking SYSTEM being at the heart of ALL of it.

"If my sons did not want wars, there would be none." - Mayer Amschel Rothscild's wife

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Everybody laughed at Trump when he created the Space Force! Who is laughing now? It is much needed with all the Satellites being launched and spying on every move you make! Trump has a way of putting out information in small bits that gets the media's panties in a bunch, but in the end, it turns out to be true. Has anybody heard of Santeria? Look it up and do some research! Trump has been right about pretty much everything except his push for the Bio-Weapon! I would rather deal with four years of Trump than the disaster that we have had to endure for the last four years.

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Exactly! Good catch on Santeria!

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You hit the nail on its head!! Good luck Anon..

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All elections for the past twenty or more years are more about mud slinging than any real information

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Sep 15Liked by anon_fa_mous

I've been grifting freely on your musings until now. I don't usually pay for content but this resonated with me. Thank you. The veil is thinning and the reality will emerge for those wanting to see.

Sending Love❤️❤️❤️

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Thank you so much Pamz. I usually write deeply researched threads but I'm trying something different this time and will be writing what's on my mind. Sending Love back to ya.

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I saw the debate in its entirety. The moderators were clearly out to get Trump. There were times where he was purposely being interrupted when he was making his points. Trump was the only one being fact checked, while Kamala was given free rein to lie.

Trump presented his stance in ending the war in Ukraine. He was asked if he supported Ukraine, he stated, He wants the killings to stop on both ends.

Trump spoke firmly on the border. He was absolutely killing it. He also spoke on abortion being left to the states. Also exposed the Democrats in some states allowing abortions for babies at full term.

Overall it was a much better debate from the prior one against Biden.

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I agree with much of what you brought up. It wasn’t a debate, but it has revealed the set-up for Kamala and the corruption of the true Manchurian candidate in the basement.

I do believe the Haitian situation (besides being here illegally which makes them criminals) has a deeper impact and will lead to truth about the occult and crimes against children. This connects to many things that are up the pyramid another level toward the Clinton Foundation, Epstein Island, NGOs, other foundations and key players in our corrupt government. It also will lead to exposing those complicit throughout the process.

I do not hate the illegals. They just need to return from whence they came.

God bless you for sharing!🙏

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Is this because the CAT-holics are not Christian?... But addicted to (praise) the Cat, serpent, gold, war....

Commandment - do not put any other (addiction) before ME...?

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Don't quit the day job quite yet

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