Thank you for delving into God’s word and explaining how important it is to rely on the earliest translation before time and the evil one were able to modify the meaning and be for the entire organized church is either a perversion or in the case of the Roman Catholic Church twists in the Bible that change the worship of Jesus to actual worship of the ancient gods, including the evil one himself.

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The reason why the Roman Church adopted Sunday as a day of worship, rather than the Jewish Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown) was as I understand it part of their incorporation of pagan worship (sun worship, along with other pagan gods and rituals) into what became the Roman Catholic Church. By making their version of worship closer to that with which their subjects were familiar, adoption became easier.

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My exact conclusions, too. They could reach more that way….were never corrected.

I read something a couple of years ago regarding the date of Jesus’ birth. Many consider the timeframe to be April; the other article thought he was born on September 11th. Haven’t a clue, but if it was Sept, that would explain much…

Either way, doesn’t matter because the reason was for God’s glory and our salvation through His grace.🥰🙏

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Exactly. I'm not one of those that think dates hold inordinate significance. There is nothing wrong with choosing Dec. 25 to celebrate Jesus's birth, whether or not that was the actual date (a fact which we are not likely ever to know with certainty.)

The important thing is not when Christ was born, but what He did, during His life and subsequently. The lessons that He taught us through His Apostles.

I've always been a bit miffed by the arrogance of the Catholic Church with things like the Apostolic Succession -- the idea that Christ gave his power to the Apostles, who have passed it down in an unbroken chain from one generation of Catholic bishops to the next.

To me, the Great Commission is clear on this; further, if Jesus was to pass His power to anyone, that would have been the exact moment for it to happen. But Matthew recorded what happened thusly:

"16 But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated to them. 17 And when they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

-- Matthew 28:16-20 (NASB)

This is clear: Matthew tells us Jesus instructed His Disciples to do three things:

- Make disciples

- Baptize

- Teach.

Further he said 'I have been given all power (authority)' and 'I will be with you always' (i.e. with my power).

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25 December is the Pagan day of the return of the Sun from the solstice on the 21/22 December. [The sun appears to be stationary in the sky for 3 days - rising again from the dead - on the 3rd day]

Sunday - Day of the Sun - Day of Ra, the Sun God.

Monday - is this the Mono-theistic day - the one God of Aken-Aten. - the Sun God, again.

Thursday - Day of the Thor god.

Saturday - Saturn's Day.

Roman Catholic Church - does not say Roman Christian Church.

Roman Catholic Church - praising of the Serpent [the shape of their recent hall].

stealer of the souls of baby's [footprints on the birth certificate which the RCC claims to own - your soul]

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100% in agreement! The Bible is clear and the Catholic Church is wrong. Many churches have gotten away from the Biblical teachings and have allowed culture to change beliefs. God bless you.🙏🙏

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On reflection, I believe that churches are no more immune to corruption and distraction than any other organization. Churches, while they purport to represent God and/or Christ, like all organizations are made of (imperfect) humans. We are susceptible to all manner of sin, so no organization thus built will last for long without becoming corrupted. A corollary of this is that the longer an organization exists, the more corrupt it becomes, and the more time it spends deluding itself (and possibly its adherents) that it is not corrupt.

Another corollary is: the younger the organization (church) the less likely corruption will have struck deep into its mission; further, any church with a central organization (a presbytery, council, archdiocese or whatever it might be called) is much more likely to become corrupt than an independent local church that reports to nobody except its members (and God).

As Lord Acton so aptly observed, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

I always got a kick out of disrupting church council meetings, when they got off into the weeds about planning some sort of social event or whatever, by asking "How does this help us honor the Great Commission? Nothing in here about making disciples, baptizing or teaching -- it's just a party for the elect." The social butterflies hated that... but it was true and they could not deny it. Not that anything changed, except maybe they got a little glimmer of the fact that they were being hypocrites. Or maybe not... some of them were pretty dense and set on their ways.

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I’m so thankful that we attend one that is Biblically oriented…yet clearly understand that anything on a corrupted planet can become corrupt. Until we repent of our individual sins and our national ones, we can never truly acknowledge our creator or follow His laws for our nation.

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Your expanding on scriptures such as the last days, etc., really gives me hope that God‘s word is still alive and well! “He will watch over his word to perform it.”

I’m so tired of hearing people say the Bible isn’t true, or is not accurate, and has been watered down, and thats why they don’t believe it. My response is always “Do you really think God would allow his holy word to be so lost and destroyed that what we have now is a joke? No. God knew that there would be evil men who would try to distort or pervert his words . He’s given us the provision of his Holy Spirit to guide us in all discernment, if we prayerfully seek him in truth and faith.”

You have done that. A person after my own heart. I love taking the smallest scripture and finding out as much as possible about the root meetings of those words, in reference to the culture of that time and the situation surrounding it. It gives me a richer and deeper understanding of God‘s word!

My only frustration is that MORE people don’t see your work here! You have done so much of the hard work for us. It gives me a lot of hope to read your wonderful research. My spirit comes alive when I see the puzzle pieces fitting together to discover the true meaning of a scripture. What a blessing you are to us. Thank you so much! And Merry Christmas! 🙂

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Thank you so much for your kind words. We have a big uphill battle ahead of ourselves because most of my followers aren't Christian (my Christian threads are the least popular). But the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me and telling me that these evil men will have to expose themselves in order to try and accomplish their goals. That is when Jesus Christ will truly win against the battle between Good vs. Evil.

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Hello and thank you for your amazing research on many subjects dear to my heart. I had strong desires to understand the truth of scripture free from deceitful manipulation. I believe your article has given me a answer to my prayer and a lead to explore. I did go to a Bible store online and viewed the original Wycliffe Bible writings and found the language difficult for me to understand at times. I did see a modern English spelling translation. I assume it would suffice. But I am not comfortable with assumptions. Would it be possible for you to share with me your preference? I highly value your input but understand if you choose not to comment. May every good & perfect gift from the one and only true living God be freely given to you. Thank you again. MDM

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Im glad my research has brought you closer to Jesus Christ. Honestly any Bible is good to read as long as you have good discernment. When you read the Bible put yourself back when the authors were writing the Bible and pay attention to who their audience was and the message should be clear every time.

That’s how I was able to figure it out on my own. The Holy Spirit was guiding me on my research but once you understand the true message of the apostles the Bible becomes clear from any version.

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I want to thank you for your good advice and encouragement. I have loved Jesus Christ since I was a child when the Holy Spirit touched my heart and changed my life course 65 years ago. I have experienced many false teachings over the years and you are absolutely correct in regards to guidance through the Holy Spirit. Especially the last several years have really opened my eyes to the depth of evil under/in/on/above Earth is deeply disturbing. I pray for all good doers everywhere. As they say: WWG1WGA God won!

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Excellent stack. But I have a question for you. Have you ever heard of Anatoliy Fomenko - the New Chronology?

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What if, hypothetically, you discovered a thousand year reign of peace ended only recently and had been hidden from us?

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