It is Trump’s executive orders that have Diddy in the position he is in. It was during Trump’s administration that many of these cases started. This case can take down Hollywood and the music industry. Trump has done more to expose child trafficking than any president. Trump’s testimony helped take down Epstein and banished him from Maralago years before Epstein was indicted. If any of this “investigative reporting” was true the people trying to take down Trump wouldn’t have to fabricate the impeachments, the Russian collusion, the multiple court cases to take try to take him down. Trump has had to fight the Deep State uniparty all the way to try to expose this evil as well as corporate media and legacy media. Your attacks on Trump are a symptom of your TDS. You are no better than the legacy media.

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Why isn’t Trump mentioning the Diddy arrest at all? He is extra quiet on not this case but also the sex trafficking charges of his buddy Vince McMahon. People need to start opening their eyes.

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15 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoLiked by anon_fa_mous

I do not see this article as an attack to anybody, the author is only exposing some facts, and the fact is that it seems Trump and Diddy are at least good acquaintances. I think Trump is the lesser of two evils right now but let us be honest, he is an elitist and love to mingle with elitists. There is a saying that goes "show me your friends and I will tell you who you are". I would not put my faith on any billionaire, period, he will slow down a bit the progress of the new world order, but I do not think he opposes it. As for the judicial attacks and assassination attempts, I think it is theater for the masses.

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From One James to James, You are 1000% correct; I like Trumps MAGA Platform but do I trust Trump? I trust him about as far as I can throw him! The tip off is when he kept supporting the bio-weapon and continued long after he was out of office and people were suffering with illness, injury and death from that poison.

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I consider that his conclusion is based upon what he believes is truth and I reiterate that time will tell. Blessings.🙏🙏

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Appreciate you sticking to writing something everyday, your commitment says a lot about you. However Im not 100% sold on you trying to connect the dots between Trump, Epstein & now P.Diddy and your “proof” is a bunch of photo ops taken at various “high society “ events, where anyone w common sense knows this is a common practice. Having been in the business of high fashion, I recall many parties/events of picture taking to be in various fashion publications of the Who’s Who sections. Just because many of us stood by or even worked with various CEOs & designers who did hard drugs, molested young women or enjoyed the company of their same sex, it didn’t mean we did the same & ran in those circles. We are truly in an information war and ALL of it needs to be weighed; discerning fact from fiction is a daily exercise- thanks for the daily workout.

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This is my conclusion as well.

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Great article. Now do another one but replace with Obama. In fact, do another one replaced with Hillary. Don't forget the pics! Thanks.

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All I can say is Trump is a business man he helps people with loans and build. . He is not in their club. He is exposing the darkness that has been going on for a long time. Watch out for the quiet ones and study eyes.

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You can have your opinion and I can have mine. You have never thought that people he has known are trying to influence Trump and he has let things play out for We the People to see there true colors, let's just look at a few like FAUCI, Pompeo, the DOJ, FBI, DHS, NIH, CDC, FDA and on & on.

Trump has been very social and is today but IMHO is bring people to the forefront for people to do their own research to see how this Republic has been controlled as the military enforcement arm of the Globalist that want total control and has been very active with their Totalitarian plan moving slowly but now with Trump running for a second term have put their plan from 1st gear to 5th gear or 5th column.

So anyone can have their opinion but it's only a opinion.

Make America Great and Healthy Again !!!

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It’s research like yours that brings the whole secret satanic system crashing down. Secret societies are bound (enslaved) together with shame and secrecy. Shame and secrecy can’t survive the internet. My take is that Trump used the satanic money freaks to build his squeaky clean empire, shaking hands, making deals, playing along to get along, but staying out of their traps. My personal experience with the deep state is on a smaller scale. For twenty years I worked developing quantum computers at a lab that got billions from DARPA, et al. I knew quantum computers were and are a scam from the first day. But that’s where Fed notes were being laundered and that’s how I got some of them. I saw the scam and I profited from it but I was never a principal of the scam.

My take on Trump is that he was and is scamming the scammers. Also, there’s a half dozen of these Trump characters. If Trump is assassinated, imprisoned, executed, which body takes the punishment?

BTW, my soul left me when I profited from the quantum computer scam. The vaccine mandate forced me to retire, and that saved my soul and my life. Trump is playing a sole destroying game, even if he doesn’t partake in the satanic rituals, the energy he associates with will kill him.

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There are so very many things you’ve researched and posted…your readers have learned so very much, including me.

I have a different perspective on Trump’s so-called friendships with these evil elites based upon my experience with operational planning. This plan has apparently been in the works for decades now and each person involved has specific roles. I have questioned this previously, however, have come to the conclusion that Trump’s role was to infiltrate the American elites in order to clearly understand their weaknesses for future exploitation.

The minute the elites realized he was a plant operating on the other side, their hatred for him exploded and has never diminished, including the numerous assassination attempts and all manner of legal accusations.

Time will tell what his actual role has been. God bless you, Anon_fa_mous.🙏🇺🇸🙏

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Trump may have been friendly to most of them but he was never friends. After almost 8 years have you learned nothing about Trump? He hates pedophiles or anyone who harms children.

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Trump is a data miner... cozy's up to the influential people to see how they operate but make no mistake, he doesn't "party" them. If the cabal were able to hide the guilty parties involved with Epstein/Maxwell, then they could've hid the same but implicated Trump in something of this nature considering how bad they want him to go down! they wouldn't have needed to manufacture russia, fake impeachments, they want him DOA in assassination attempts etc. they are afraid of him because of what he does know. tell me you aren't that dense not to see through the left's vitriol & floating balloons to direct the narrative toward trump instead of the perps. trump isn't part of the global cabal. he is not one of them or a DC insider. your headline is a distraction from the real criminals, traffickers, hedonistic lucifers. you are probably one of them trying to distract...

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