This is the best explanation I’ve ever seen or heard to understand this relationship between Jews, Jesus and followers of Jesus. Most Christians everywhere don’t understand this.

I’ve just been employed by a ministry that has set out to pray for Israel, yet most know nothing about what is happening or what to pray. Or even if they pray for the salvation of Jews, maybe don’t have a clear understanding of this hardness toward Jesus and their great need for Him. I didn’t either, really.

Sharing around.

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I really appreciate the kind words and I'm just making people aware of the disconnect between modern Christianity, through Churches, and the Bible. There's been a hidden underground movement to discredit the apostles for the last 2000 years:

- Pagan Rome tried to make the Sabbath important by making Sun-day holy

- The entire religion of Judaism was build to discredit Jesus Christ

- The entire religion of Islam was built to Persecute Christians

- The Protestant Reformation created Christian Zionism to trick Christians into thinking the Jews were the Chosen People and they needed to return to Palestine

- Many groups consider themselves Christians, like Mormons, Evangelicals, etc. but they have greater desire for Israel and the Second Coming of Jesus than what's in the Bible.

It saddens me that so many Christians are unaware of what lies in the New Testament and what the death of Jesus Christ truly means.

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Slow reply, but I moved to another state, so... one point I would seek to clarify is your statement that Islam was created to persecute Christians. Do you think it was intended so from the start, or did that come about later?

I think a lot about the lineage of Abraham, and even though some argue that Muslims are not the direct descendents of Ishmael, they certainly have adopted the narrative and think themselves so. To me, this is where the big divide began, and Muslims carry in their inherited nature a feeling of victimization and consider Jews to be unqualified usurpers. Anyone who has studied the bible can see how over and over, there are examples of the younger son (or daughters even, although less highlighted - consider Rachel and Leah) being elevated over the older son, a typology of the Christian faith taking precedence over the Jewish religion.

So what was happening back in the 600's when the Prophet Mohammed had his vision? Arabs had a chance to accept Jesus, but these Arab societies were worshipping... what? I've done a little historical research, but need to do more, apparently, because I can't remember the historic record now. They were pagans, just doing whatever? Did the Prophet Mohammed or the people of his time have some beef against Christians back then? The Christian population in the region was very small, I think. Even the Jewish population was small by then, because many tribes had disbursed. Both were spread out all over the place. Christianity in Constantinople became a dominant religion. So is that what inspired Islam to become a religion to persecute any Christians who wanted to live in the Arabian lands?

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If Moses was in the region now known as Saudi Arabia, you can see how Muslims would claim the region as their own and the historical heritage belonging to them and not the Israelites.

What Atheists Just Discovered In Saudi Arabia TERRIFIES The Whole World!

Future Unity


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This is interesting too:

All Evidence Points to Midian | FULL EPISODE

A Rood Awakening!


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From a Christian that had his heart ripped out several years ago, and has found it virtually impossible to read Christian books or articles, this was as good as anything I ever read when I was an avid reader of Christian material. Thank you.

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I am right there with you. I put churchianity on a pedestal and it ripped my heart out when they fell off. I do not need the flim-flam and am very cautious about the truth. I studied the bible and commentary but had to put it down for a while. I am grateful for anon_fa_mous coming into my life for me to pick it up again.

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You are amazing Fren 🐸💜🙏

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Amazing....a dude that digs into the cults of the world ends up at the cross and resurrection of Jesus and correctly explains the spiritual war we are in today. Well done Bro.

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What a wonderful idea to explain and share with us! This better explains why I, too, do not believe current day Israel is led by Jews of the new covenant, based upon their statements and actions! Extremely interesting, as God’s word always is. Thank you and may God continue to bless you.🙏🙏

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Wow brother, that was an amazing insight and read for a 3 years saved newbie ( ex Catholic child until 7 too !-escaped into non belief and became Wiccan for a time(earth religion deception) to be found down Q rabbit holes when it felt endless. )

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I am excited to read this!

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That was excellent! You’re very gifted in making the difficult easy to understand. This is a topic I’ve been confused about most recently. Thank you

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Thank you so much for this explanation! I can now see this in my head as I study. My question to you is Paul has always seemed to me to be a very judgmental teacher. Are you saying, the Bible is saying, that at times we as Christians need to remember that we must be that way? Or as Christians can we have love for the Jewish people and and support their statehood while understanding their non belief in Jesus Christ will keep them as cut off from the tree of life?

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When you think about Paul, he was the closest Apostle to Pure Christianity because he included everyone in his teachings and not just Jewish People. I understand where Paul was coming from because he was frustrated with the Jews understanding of what Jesus truly represented and why he died on the cross. He was full of righteousness and was to the point.

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Good work but: 1) Pharisees were from North of Israel and were from “half breed” coverts (like the Samaritans) located by Sea of Galilee; 2) Ancient Sanhedrin were drawn from among the Sadducees--Hellenized Jews--now extant; 3) Tanoch has 248 positive Commandments which equals the number of bones in an adult human. Messianic Jews were the Zealots. Essenes already had a Messiah like Jesus as explained in detail in Dead Sea Scrolls.

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The true ‘Bloodline’ from David to Christ is via Mary NOT Joseph as you have outlined from the Book of Matthew.

Remember that Christ’s real Father is not via the ‘Bloodline’ of Joseph.

See Virgin Mary’s ‘Bloodline’ from David in the Book of Luke.

Correct details make your arguments from Scripture more persuasive.

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I am a new reader. I want to thank you for this fantastic work.

Q: Are there different version of the New Testament? And if so, what is the group's view on the correct version/translation?

Thank you.

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As a Christian I have been through many journeys. Protestant, Evangelical then I became Catholic. Over the past 4 years I suspended practicing Catholicism and pursued my relationship with God through prayer and reading the Bible. Your article is very timely. Recently this topic has been brought up to me from those who support Zionism. The way you explained this scripture makes this passage very clear and easy to understand! Thank you for sharing!

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Very interesting and a topic I have been considering recently having been reading Genesis again. Its quite clear that Abraham and his descendants behaved pretty badly throughout the book using a whole array of amoral actions to further their cause. Jesus Christ came to save us from these past sins and to teach us a better way to conduct ourselves. Judaism rejects this new way and calls for more of the same Abrahamic savagery to propel themselves to material greatness in the belief they are God's chosen people. This has taken the form of political Zionism and is driving the world into end times as prophesised in Revelations. I think this is unavoidable now but those that graft themselves to the Olive Tree of Christ will find salvation, even if they have to go through hell on earth first to reach it.

Just out of interest what version of the bible were you using for the article? It certainly wasn't KJV, so were you just using a version that is more accessible to modern readers?

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First of all, I appreciate all the time that you put into writing these articles.

Second, I agree with about 70-80% of what you wrote here. Galatians makes it clear that in regards to grace, there is neither Jew nor Gentile. We are all children of God.

One of the key things that I think a lot of Christians don't realize is that we somewhat erroneously refer to the Hebrew scriptures as the Old Testament. If anything, we should call it the Old Testaments (plural). The word testament in this context essentially means covenant, and there are many covenants in the Bible. The most important ones are Noachian Covenant, the Abrahamic Covenants, the Mosaic Covenant, and the Davidic Covenant. All of these covenants (except David's) are described in the Torah, which is what Jewish people call the first 5 books of the Bible. Contrary to popular belief, the word "Torah" means "Teaching", and does not necessarily mean the law of Moses.

The writer of Hebrews speaks about the New Messianic Covenant being better than the first. Which of the covenants does he speak of? It is plain that he speaks of the Mosaic Covenant, which required obedience to the Law of Moses. The other covenants remain in effect. Moreover, if the New Covenant is better than the first, why would its benefits not also be superior for the original beneficiaries?

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So, are the Vatican and the Zionists separate? Vatican=4th beast and Zionists=synagogue of Satan?

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